Heavy Equipment Monitoring
Monitor heavy equipment activities to be more effective
Advanced system designed to monitor heavy equipment performance in mining
Features of Heavy Equipment Monitoring
Heavy equipment performance plays an important role in the profitability of mining companies. This solution offers the convenience of monitoring all heavy equipment activities such as excavators, graders, dozers and compactors
Machine working hour
Monitor the total operational hours of each heavy equipment so that use and maintenance scheduling becomes more optimal and measurable
Operational efficiency metrics
When the engine is on, the system can differentiate whether the machine is actually working or not doing anything. Apart from that, it can also track and report utilization levels, idle time and productivity levels.

User-friendly interace
In-cabin screen with a simple display. Makes it possible to send real-time information to operators, helping them optimize performance
Easy integration
The system integrates seamlessly across a wide range of machines and provides operators with in-cab displays, automatic data recording and integration with fleet management systems for more comprehensive monitoring and reporting

Solusi lainnya
Live Fleet Tracker
Ketahui keberadaan setiap armada secara aktual. Pantau jarak tempuh, jam kerja, dan kelola perawatan armada dengan lebih efisien.
Fuel Consumption Monitoring
Pantau konsumsi bahan bakar dengan tingkat akurasi mencapai 99%. Hindari kecurangan pada saat pengisian bahan bakar seluruh armada.
Manpower Management App
Maksimalkan kinerja di lapangan lewat aplikasi mobile untuk para pekerja. Rasakan kemudahan dalam distribusi tugas dan monitor performa.
Freight Load Monitoring
Monitor beban muatan pada armada dan memastikan sesuai dengan SOP perusahaan. Hindari biaya kerusakan akibat muatan berlebihan.
Temperature & Humidity Detector
Deteksi suhu dan kelembaban udara muatan barang yang membutuhkan temperatur optimal selama perjalanan.
Payload Monitoring System
Sistem kami mencatat metrik penting seperti waktu siklus, muatan, jarak, kecepatan, dan berbagai durasi aktivitas armada
Heavy Equipment Monitoring
Kinerja alat berat sangat mempengaruhi keuntungan penambangan. Solusi ini memudahkan pemantauan aktivitas alat berat
Other solutions
Live Fleet Tracker
Know the actual whereabouts of each fleet. Monitor mileage, hours worked and manage fleet maintenance more efficiently.
Fuel Consumption Monitoring
Monitor fuel consumption with an accuracy rate of up to 99%. Avoid cheating when refueling the entire fleet.
Manpower Management App
Maximize performance in the field through mobile applications for workers. Experience ease in task distribution and performance monitoring.
Freight Load Monitoring
Monitor the load on the fleet and ensure it complies with company regulations. Avoid damage costs due to overloading.
Temperature & Humidity Detector
Detection of temperature and air humidity of goods that require optimal temperatures during transit.
Payload Monitoring System
Our system records important metrics such as cycle time, load, distance, speed and various durations of fleet activity
Heavy Equipment Monitoring
Heavy equipment performance greatly influences mining profits. This solution makes it easy to monitor heavy equipment activity